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Organizing your wardrobe - A dreaded task or something that brings you joy?

Do you find yourself rummaging your wardrobe for that black dress for a party? Have you ended up with all your clothes out on your bed, while in search for that elusive grey tee shirt? If so, you probably know that organizing clothes is key to your woes. Finding the right system for organizing is the next important thing you need to figure out.

Organizing Wardrobe

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

We have listed a few tips on how to organise and maintain your closet. Depending on the amount of room you have, the quantity of your clothing, and your lifestyle, you'll probably organise your closet differently. These seven universal steps, on the other hand, can be applied to any closet or wardrobe:

  • Gather your closet organisation materials, which should include a "toss" basket and a tape measure.
  • Remove everything from the closet, including clothes, shoes, and closet organisers.
  • Make sure your closet is tidy.
  • Declutter: Donate, recycle, or sell the clothing, shoes, and accessories you no longer use or need
  • Examine your closet storage options to ensure that they fit your space and are compatible with your clothes, shoes, and accessories.
  • Return your clothing, shoes, and accessories to their proper places in your closet by grouping related items together and relocating your most worn items to the “prime real estate” of your closet.
  • Make a strategy for keeping your closet organised so that it never gets cluttered again.

Next, you must have an organisational toolkit which you can always use whenever things start to get cluttered. These are:

  • To transfer clothes to the donation centre, tailor, and dry cleaner, use shopping bags. If you don't have any bags on hand, cartons and bins will suffice.
  • Measurement tape: Calculate the amount of bookshelf and hanging space available. Don't forget to bring a notebook to record the dimensions of your closet.
  • A full length mirror: Make sure your mirror can handle your whole image before deciding whether to "toss" or "keep."
  • Basket for everything: In your trouser pockets, you'll find loose change, papers, rubber bands, hair clips, wads of cash (bonus! ), and other receipts. You don't want to have to stop in the middle of your project to file these small objects, so place them in your catch-all basket for now.

There are many creative ways to organize clothes in a home. The idea is to have them all together and then find a place to put them! Here are some unique ways of organizing clothes that will make you wonder why you didn't think of it before!

1. Grouping similar items:

 Gather belts, sweaters, long-sleeve shirts, work pants, skirts, button-down shirts, jeans, shorts, and other similar items, and select where to put them as a group (e.g., hang pants in the closet, fold and stack sweaters in a bureau). Working in groups will assist you in determining how much room you require.

 2. Efficient utilisation of space:

 Make the most of valuable real estate in your wardrobe by reserving the front and centre shelves for the things you wear the most. Make sure your work clothes are at the front of your closet if you have to get dressed for work at 6 a.m. every day. Less often used goods, such as formal dress and out-of-season clothing, should be kept toward the back and on the upper shelves.

3. Keep away the items you use the least:

Out-of-season goods and goods you only wear a few times a year, such as Halloween costumes and super-fancy shoes, should be tucked away at the top of your wardrobe.

4. Organise highly-used items in plain sight:

 Bookcases and open shelves, unlike dressers and armoire drawers, allow you to immediately view and retrieve what you need. Jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, and other articles that don't need to be hung work well with this organising method. Place a shelf in the closet to organise piles of foldable things by type. Put colourfully labelled baskets on a few shelves to hold socks and delicates.

5. Divide the hanging clothes by category:

 Make a closet-rod labelling system that tells you what goes where so you can quickly discover what you're searching for and put it back where it belongs. Keeping comparable items together, such as coats or button-down shirts, simplifies clothes storage and prevents you from cramming too much into one location.

 6. Keep cloth mending tools just in case you need it!

 Keep all of your clothes and the tools you'll need to keep them looking their best in the same place. When you have a sewing kit, button jar, and iron and board nearby, you're more likely to replace lost buttons, sew a falling hem, or press a garment. Being able to tackle these fast fixes guarantees that no soiled or rumpled garment sits in your closet unused.

7. Use the back of your door for next-day outfits

Extend your garment storage space beyond the closet by using the back of a door. Use over-the-door hooks, shoe bags, and multi-hook racks to house freshly ironed clothing, ball cap collections, and heavier items like robes or coats that are worn on a daily basis. Alternatively, attach a pegboard to the front or back of a door to organise tiny accessories using hooks.

8. Customise your cloth organisation: 

 Incorporate a variety of buyable garment organisers to increase the storage capacity of your closet. Clothes storage can be improved using customizable closet systems, specialist racks and hangers, storage bins and baskets, shelf dividers, drawer organisers, and hanging segmented bags.

 9. Use a freestanding wardrobe:

Increase garment storage with an antique armoire or a large wardrobe, both of which are available at various price points and in a number of styles. Install sophisticated bin storage systems and closet rods at heights that are suitable for both hanging clothing and ease of access to the cabinet's inside. As space allows, tuck shoe racks and storage bins in.

10. Keep seasonal clothes under your bed:

Plastic bins, fabric bags, wire racks, and wooden drawers, among other underbed organisers, offer a variety of garment organisation and storage alternatives. They're perfect for storing folded sweaters, jeans, spare robes, or balled-up socks, but they may also be used to store out-of-season items like swimwear or winter scarves. Look for shoe-organizer inserts as alternatives.

Organizing clothes

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

The more frequently you clean your closet, the less time it will take. Once a month, go through your closet and give it a little makeover (or make-under), and twice a year, do a major re-organization. Make it easier on yourself by organising your cleaning by season, date (such as your birthday or New Year's), or event.